How to Plant Pumpkins in Minecraft Pocket Edition
After looking through 200+ seeds, we think these are the best villages in Minecraft PE.
[Take me back to GameSkinny's Ultimate Minecraft Seed Guide]
Sifting through dozens and dozens of Minecraft PE seeds can be a chore, there are just so many great ones floating around.
If you're anything like me, you just don't want to waste all your time looking for seeds. It takes to load up each new seed, look for villages and resources, and see if a seed is worth your time. You just want to get right into exploring and crafting! Will any of the next 70 seeds have that biome I'm looking for? If I'm lucky, it might be number 70!
To make matters worse, some seeds change from version to version of Minecraft and some world seeds are different on the PE and the PC versions of the game! What a pain in the butt.
Even though I like to be a little lazy when looking for seeds, I figured I really oughta buck up and just dive in. I checked out every single seed I could get my block-shaped hands on and putting the verified best PE 10.4 seeds all in one place. Out of the 200+ seeds I tested on 9x and 10x, these are the most epic biomes with the coolest village spawns. These are the best village seeds out there on Minecraft PE.
Note: Seeds are case sensitive! Type them in exactly as they are.
Check our other article for Minecraft PC seeds.
Spawn near double village with double biome
Seed: camero
Biome: Mesa and plains
Notes: While it might look like one big village, we can tell by the wells that this is actually two villages that just happen to spawn next to each other. This seed is unique in that half of the village is in a mesa biome and half is in plains; it's rare to find a mesa village!
This seed comes with a blacksmith containing:
- 2 gold ingots
- 2 saplings
- 2 iron helmets
- 3 bread
- 1 iron pickaxe
Double biome villages make for fun and interesting survival games since you can bounce back and forth between the two.
Spawn next to large mountain village and swamp
Seed: super pig
Biome: Mountain, swamp, desert
Notes:Mountain villages are also very rare to find in Minecraft PE, making them great catches! This seed spawns you right near a very unique village that actually melds into the rock. There are a few houses that are actually elevated into the face of the mountain.
That tall pillar of a house is the blacksmith, it holds:
- 2 iron leggings
- 1 iron boots
- 2 bread loaves
- 5 ink sacs
The village itself isn't the only cool thing: there is a great cave system directly underneath the center of town, and there's a lush swamp biome nearby.
Spawn next to village in mesa and plains
Seed: shadowscythe
Biome: Plains, mesa
Notes:Mesa villages are already pretty rare to find, so a mesa village on a river is a pretty exceptional seed. When I'm looking for PE seeds, this is the kind that warms my heart just because it's so beautifully diverse. There is no blacksmith here, but there are several houses and a ton of farms for the size of the place.
You can't see it from the screenshot, but there is also a fairly large swamp biome nearby on the mesa side of the river.
Spawn next to pumpkin village
Seed: bachilleres
Biome: Plains
Notes: This is a very small village on a river that opens into a nice bay area. While it doesn't look like much, the pumpkins and the little 'harbor' area on the water make this seed quaint. If you're looking for a nice location to call home or build into a harbor, this would be a great place.
Also, pumpkins! Who doesn't love pumpkins?
Spawn next to double river village (Herobrine)
Seed: herobrine is fake
Biome: Desert, plains
Notes:This seed is one of my favorites on this list, if only because it's a Herobrine seed. While Herobrine has never been explained, it is the subject of a lot of entertaining fan speculation.
Once you spawn, walk straight ahead to find the two towns. Both are independent of one another and aren't connected, but they're close enough to travel back and forth easily. The river offers loads of excellent opportunities.
Spawn near village on a hill with great layout
Seed: Que hay
Biome: Plains, jungle
Notes:Awesome town design tends to be hard to find, that's why this cute little village seed is so great. The buildings here are very neatly organized, and the town is pretty sizeable for a one-well town.
Built into a hill, this seed features a small farm, some partially hidden houses, and a nice 'downtown' area.
Spawn near snow village with ice spikes
Seed: 1410403532
Biome: Ice plains, plains, tundra, snow
Notes: Walk straight from the spawn, over a hill, and then follow the edge of the snow to find this epic village location. Located on the edge of a tundra, you can see ice spikes without leaving town!
As one of the coolest landscape features in Minecraft, ice spikes next to a village is a hot commodity. I have yet to see a seed that puts a village so close. This village is very cool and even has a little pumpkin patch (bonus points)!
Spawn near village with huge mushroom island
Seed: thisbattlestartedtnt
Biome: Mushroom, plains
Notes: The village in this PE seed it pretty standard, but still excellent. The real shining point here is the fantastic and huge mushroom biome that's so close by. Within seconds, you can travel from town to a great peninsula/island area with loads of mushrooms.
There is also a blacksmith with:
- 1 bread loaf
- 2 apples
- 1 iron sword
- 2 iron ingots
- 2 obsidian blocks
- 5 ink sacs
Spawn near triple village (awesome seed!)
Seed: mamaMOOSE
Biome: Plains
Notes: This seed is one of the most epic seeds I've found. Just look at it! You can see that there are three wells, meaning there are actually three villages here crammed together into one mega village.
If you are looking for a huge village seed, this is the one for you.
Spawn near quad village: 4 villages and 4 blacksmith emeralds in one seed!
Village #1, near spawn
Village #2 and #3, further up river
Village #3 and #4 in the desert
Seed: 1417801910
Biome: Desert, plains, savanna, swamp
Notes:The last seed had three villages slammed into one; this one has four villages all within quick walking distance. You'll need to do a little walking to find them all, but they are pretty close together. One of the best parts of this Minecraft world is the fact you basically spawn next to emeralds (location: in blacksmith chest), which makes life so much easier!
Blacksmith in first village has:
- 2 iron ingots
- 2 emeralds
- 2 bread loaves
- 1 apple
Blacksmith in second village has:
- 2 emeralds
- 2 iron helmets
- 1 iron boots
After the first village turn left from the spawn (so the village is on your left and the swamp is on your right) and continue until you cross a river and see the second village. From the second village you should be able to see across the river to the third village in the desert. The fourth village is near the third.
Spawn behind double village with coastal mountains
Seed: 1426064692
Biome: Plains, mountain, forest
Notes: At spawn, turn around to see the village. This is a great double village seed with an excellent location, sandwiched between ocean and a river lined by mountains. Since the town extends down the coast, you could almost classify this as a harbor or port seed.
The mountains are also great with many waterfalls and natural caverns. Some of the village and a few farms actually spawn on some of the mountains, resulting in a awesome seed spawn.
Spawn near awesome mountain village
Seed: vvvvvvvv
Biome: Mountain, forest
Notes: Yep, another mountain village seed - but this one is also super cool. Part of the village is spawned on the mountain, and the rest is either along the river or on the river. The highlight of the place is the very tall mountain house that almost a pre-built little fortress.
There is a blacksmith that has:
- 2 bread loaves
- 2 gold ingots
- 1 apple
Spawn near two savanna villages and extreme mountains
Seed: xnxx
Biome: Savanna, mountain, desert
Notes: As you spawn, you'll see the crazy mountain in front of you. As you get close, circle the left side of the mountain and you'll see the village.
This isn't your everyday sand village, this one is right by some fantastic extreme mountains. The mountains here have crazy overhangs and even a few floating mountain blocks.
The first village blacksmith has:
- 2 iron ingots
- 2 iron pickaxes
- 1 iron leggings
- 1 apple
- 2 obsidian
A bit further on, if you follow the border of desert and savanna, you'll see the second village.
The second village blacksmith has:
- 2 emeralds
- 1 iron pickaxe
- 2 iron ingots
- 1 apple
- 1 iron chest plate
Spawn on island village with blacksmith
Seed: 1427837471
Biome: Island
Notes: This is one of the best island villages there is, if only because it has a sweet blacksmith. The town and island are pretty small, but perfectly stocked with farms and villagers for a great survival mode game.
Island villages are fairly common, but I have yet find one with such a good blacksmith and island layout.
Blacksmith has:
- 2 emeralds
- 2 gold ingots
- 1 iron ingots
- 2 loaves of bread
Did I miss any?
There are an infinite number of awesome and epic Minecraft PE seeds with some great villages - this list is the tip of the iceberg. Do you have a favorite seed for the lazy that I've missed? If so, drop it in the comments!
[Take me back to GameSkinny's Ultimate Minecraft Seed Guide]
Published Feb. 22nd 2017
How to Plant Pumpkins in Minecraft Pocket Edition
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